Josh “All Day” Cassady // Golf Entertainer // Long Drive Badass // via cassaday_golf instagram
You hear us talk a lot at Well Set about our advanced certifications, but did you know that one of these certifications can improve your golf game? One of my biggest passions is golf, and one of my certifications combines that passion with my other biggest passion … helping you, my patients! With the Masters coming up, I’m taking this opportunity to explain a little bit more about my Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) Certification. I could totally nerd out about the details, but I’m sticking to the main points and FAQs here. Let’s get an appointment on the books for you soon to talk more about how I can help your golf game!
I analyze the Body-Swing ConnectionTM to help you identify your golf swing strengths and weaknesses.
I help you improve any golf swing limitations we identify.
If you’re experiencing any pain or have an injury, I perform golf-specific injury assessment, followed by golf-specific rehab techniques.
I help improve your performance and get you hitting like DJ in no time.
I use my advanced knowledge of the body to analyze the biomechanics of your swing and to figure out why you’re hitting those chilly dippers and hosel rockets.
I help you increase your hitting distance if you’re willing to put in the work with me. Together, we’ll retrain and strengthen your muscles to get you there.
I can use chiropractic adjustments and manual therapies to create optimal swing movement by improving your joint mobility, activating golf-specific muscles, and decreasing muscle tone that’s keeping you from hitting those dingers down the pipeline.
No shocker here … I’ll improve your posture! Improved posture leads to better swing mechanics … better swing mechanics lead to more precise shots … more precise shots lead to increasing your chance at getting that ever-elusive thing called a BIRDIE!
I’ll give you functional exercises to do on your own so you’ll maintain the gains you make while working with me.
If you’re not an established patient, your first visit will include all of your basic initial chiropractic visit stuff. Then, whether you’re an established patient or not, we’ll go through a specialized biomechanical screening for golfers. After that the fun begins and we’ll put a game plan together for getting you to hitting shots down the pipe.
It’s hard to tell you specifically what follow-up visits will look like after we’ve done the golf screening or how long it’ll take you to get to your improved swing. Like every chiropractic treatment at Well Set, how we work through your swing limitations will be reevaluated each time you visit so we can get you where you want to be as fast as possible. Though, I can guarantee that follow-up visits will include a lot of golf humor. Exhibit A: Why does the golfer wear two pairs of pants? … In case he gets a hole in one! (Only 20% of my jokes will be that lame, I promise).
There it is, Well Set, golfers. If you want to schedule a TPI golf eval with me, email (, call, or text the office (at 720-739-0745) to let us know and we’ll get you all set up.